Monday, 1 February 2016

Hai All of you...!

To Day Onwards I want to share My programming skill with you....all

The First thing in programming is "what is programming".

Programming:- Programming is nothing but "The Process of Writing Computer Programs" or
"The Process of Scheduling Something, Especially Radio or Television Programs".

To do the Programming we need to know the Programming Language.

So for that purpose we have  Bunch Programming Languages.

Those are C,C++,Java,PHP,.Net ..ect.

From that we should know at least one Language.

Form that I Selected Java.....!

So Let's start our Programming in Java.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Let's Create Your own Run COMMANDS

Commands of your Own? Well, it is really easy, which involves just few steps. Through this article, I will help you understand how to access your favourite applications by creating custom Run commands.


Before I show you how to create your own Run commands, let’s take a quick look on how to open Run Command. First of all, you need to open the Run window by just pressing the Windows Key along with the R key, i.e. Windows + R. Now, you have to type the name of the program that you desire to open up or execute. Unfortunately, not all programs can be accessed through this method. So, let me show you how to create Run commands that do not come as inbuilt commands.


Step 1. The first step is to select the software or application for which you want to make custom Run command. For example, let us consider Google Chrome as the example here. Remember, you can choose any application other than which is already there in the Run command.

Step 2. In the second step, right click on the desktop of your computer system and make a new shortcut.
Right click > New > Shortcut

Step 3. As you select the Shortcut option in the 2nd Step, it will open up a dialogue box. And, the dialogue box will ask you path of the application or software for which you want to create the Run command.

Step 4. Now, you need to browse through the files and choose the one that shows “chrome.exe”. Well, it is quite obvious that all the executable files can be found in the C drive (or wherever the Operating System has been installed), inside the folder “Program Files”. For example, “C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\chrome.exe”

Step 5. Once you are done with Step number 4, just click on “Next” button and simply provide a relative name to that shortcut. Remember, the same name will be used later in the Run command.
For example, “BENGC” for Google Chrome

Step 6. Now, click on the “Finish” button. Once it is done, an icon related to that application or software will show up on your computer’s screen. It means that the process of creating shortcut has been done successfully.

Step 7. In this step, just cut and paste that recently made shortcut icon into your computer’s root drive, in its Windows folder.
For example, C:\ Windows , Make sure you are the administrator of the computer or have its password.

Step 8. Now, you are done with the set up and can run the application through Run Command. Just go to Run and enter the keyword “GC”, and Google Chrome will begin executing.
So this was a Short but Useful Tutorial to Create Run Commands for any software in windows,I Hope this Post will Easeup your Work, Stay Tuned and Subscribe to this Blog to Recieve Updates Everytime a New article is posted. Subscribe Box.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Create a Harmless Funny Virus with Notepad-Continuously eject CD/DVD drives..!

To get the funny of this code.

Simply Copy this code and paste it in Notepad as Virus.vbs or *.vbs.

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Double click to open this file and you will be impressed by this awesome trick.

For More Quires COMMENT PLZ......!

A Simple funny trick.....!

WARNING##Before do this don't open any IMP programs......##WARNIG

Open Notepad, copy the code given below and save the file as Ben.vbs or *.vbs.
You will need to restart your computer to stop this.
Try this after closing all important programs.

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "This is a Virus. You have been infected."

Send this file to your friends as an email attachment to see the fun.....

Make a Personal Diary(Log) with Notepad..!

Notepad Diary

You can use this trick to create a personal log with Notepad which will automatically include the current date and time before your note.

To do so, open Notepad and type .LOG in capital letters and press Enter.
Save the file.

Now, every time you open this file, notepad will automatically insert the current time and date before the note.

Just enter your note and save the file each time after making an entry.

Here Some Notepad Tricks fro U.......
Here Some notepad tricks for u all.....

Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing.
But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous.
It is also famous for its tricks and hacks.
Here is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.

By using Notepad we can get Matrix code effect like in Matrix movie.
To get that Just follow below steps......

@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

Just copy and paste above code in notepad.
With the extension of .bat like Matrix.bat.

For more queries Comment me.....!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Usually in Taskbar after time we have AM or PM
But by using one trick we set our name at AM or PM's place
Like 10:44 Sai
Like  02:33 Chintu

To set Your name at that place Follow y steps
1.Open control panel
2.Select Region and Language
3.In that window click on Additional settings
4.In that window click on time tab
At the place of AM and PM symbol change as u Wish....!